

三月份最轰动的变形金刚, Disney Label Mickey Mouse Convoy 没有买到, 只有买了这些. Alternity 01 Convoy Metalic Silver & Red Color 和 E-Hobby Sunstorm.



4 条评论:

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Got some new cool stuffs my friend!!!

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Hey bro, I have tagged you for a game. Hope you interested. Please view this link http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2009/04/im-being-tagged.html

jeroprime 说...

Sorry for the late reply, i went to HK last week, just came back. anyway thanks for inviting me to play the game.

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Wow! Just came back from HK. Must have bought a lot of toys!