
玩具介绍 - Transformers Encore 12 Metroplex

变形金刚里另外一个重量级的人物在9月19号2008终于被复刻和推出市场了. 零售价是7000日元.





5 条评论:

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

This is definitely one of my fav robot. Used to have the vintage one. Encore!!! Encore!!! CS selling @ ard S$80.

jeroprime 说...

$S80 consider very cheap. Malaysia here i think need ard RM180. A must get tf for me.

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Yes. This one worth it.

jeroprime 说...

How about you? will you get it? Most probably will get it next month. Can't wait to hold it on my hand.

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Have the urge, but need to exercise self control. I am not going back collecting Transformers again.

Maybe, Takara might even reissue Metro Titan in future, then you need more storage space. Ha! Ha!