
我的最新收藏 Votoms Scopedog Red Shoulder

这是我的最新玩具收藏 Yamato 1/12 Scopedog red Shoulder. 原售价是17800yen, 而我在日本的Hobby Link Japan只用了原价的25%, 那就是4450yen就可以拥有它了. 再加上邮费, 全部是8050yen. 马币300都还没有到. 我记得我表哥曾经买过一只, 那时的价钱是RM760.
为什么会这么便宜? 这是因为上个月尾, hlj有大减价, 很多Yamato 1/12 的Scopedog都有75%的大减价. 所以我也订了一只. 现在还是有大减价, 可是只有65%吧了. 预知更多详情, 请看以下的连接:

1/12 Scopedog Red Shoulder
1/12 ATM-09-ST Scopedog
1/12 ATM-09-STC Strong Bacchus





Yamato 1/12 和 Takara 1/18的盒子对比照:



Yamato 1/12 和 Takara Masterpiece Optimus Prime 的盒子对比照:



7 条评论:

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Impressive piece my friend. This Yamato Scopedog seems to have the same kind of box alike the Macross 1/48 valkyries. I like the size the of toy. Always like bigger toy! My envy to you!

jeroprime 说...

Haha, no need to envy me, u can have it if u want. 2 simple step only: go to hlj and click buy it then pay for it. that so very simple steps.... :-)

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Not so simple when money is involved. Ha! Ha! I had my eyes set on Yamato Patlabor. 300+ Sing dollars.

jeroprime 说...

Actually Patlabor also not bad, but i can't afford to open a new line at the moment. :-)

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

I don't think I will preorder the Yamato Patlabor due to the price. I will decide when I see the actual toy.

jeroprime 说...

That's good. Always wait for the actual produce first before we decide to buy it. Patlabor also one of my favourite.

Dennis aka Katsuden 说...

Yes! Yes! Patience will sometime pay off. Some toys' price dropped drastically after released. One example is the masterpiece Starscream.