
Masterpiece MP02 Ultra Magnus and MP06 Skywarp 再版

MP02让我等了足足有三年了, 终于盼到有再版的一天了. 可是万万想不到的是再版日期是在11月. 那个月已经有MP07 Thundercracker. 如果再加上MP02 和 MP06, 那么就需要准备一笔很大的数目. 看来要努力存钱了. 话不多说, 看看图片吧.

MP02 Ultra Magnus :

MP06 Skywarp :

17 条评论:

匿名 说...

Finally! Another chance to get Ultra Magnus.. :)

jeroprime 说...

haha...yup with cheaper price.

匿名 说...

i'm bleeding...i just bought MP-02 & MP-07, along along pls help me!

jeroprime 说...

Can tell me where and how much u get ur mp02? still got stock? me can't get it... help!!!!

Takara 说...

i called and place the order at ShiokToys Cineleisure!

jeroprime 说...

Can i know how much u pay for it? need to preorder first?

Takara 说...

i bought this MP-07 at Sunway pyramid and MP-02 at Cineleisure, this Sunway pyramid cause me get nothing for MP-02, i'm so so angry even i had paid 10% down payment few months ago, so i tried hard to called everywhere to look for it, so dam.

Takara 说...

i miss the preorder so i have to pay RM300 for cash or credit card for RM320.

jeroprime 说...

RM300 quite cheap already. Me also preorderd and pay deposit from a forum member but end up get nothing. according to that seller, he said hasbro has cu his stock for mp2.

So shiok toys still got stock for mp02? really want it badly. can give me shiok toys phone number?

Takara 说...

i bought this MP-02 since last Saturday, guess limited stock or reserved for preorder customers. I saw a lot MP-02 at XL Mid valley last Friday but dam not for walk in customers!! all reserved for preorder!!! i hate it!!!!

Takara 说...

Lot LG-11(ii), Lower Ground, Cineleisure Damansara
Tel: 603.7725 2618
H.p: 019-3382618
Email: shiok@shioktoys.com / shioktoys@gmail.com

Operating Hours:
Mon - Thur : 11.30am - 10.00pm
Fri -Sun: 11.00am - 10.30pm

jeroprime 说...

Thanks bro...will sms them to ask.

jeroprime 说...

my yahoo messenger jkhboon@yahoo.com or jkhboon45@hotmail.com. maybe we can chat some time...hehehe

Takara 说...

the MP-02 paperboard trailer so so so lousy. i wish Takara could come out MP-02 trailer & sold separately.

jeroprime 说...

Takara i not sure they will design the trailer or not, wht i'm sure is other company will release the traile for mp02 just like mp01 last time from Justoys.

Takara 说...

sure bro!

Takara 说...

that's great!